First Mantis enjoying a snack after molting (S. kersteni)


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Woah! They look so cool Shane! So the one that molted is L4 then? Only 4 molts to go for her and she'll be adult. When did you get them and what did you name them? Do you know thy are females for sure?

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I got them Thursday morning.

I'm going to wait till I know their genders for sure before I name them.

They are so cool!!

The one you took pictures of is definitely a female, I counted six segments. You can tell by L3 if they are male or female and since yours is L4 now it is most certainly a girl. Count the segments on the bottom of her abdomen and you will count 6. See if the other one you did not take pictures of is a male or female, too. Remember if the bottom of the abdomen has 6 segments it is a girl and if it has 8 segments it is a boy.


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