My poor mantis, he fell during his molt. I'm very surprised, it's been, what 5-6 days since he hatched?
Even so, I looked over and there we was, hanging upside down on his branch. I practically flipped and decided to leave him alone like I've read. Sadly, I came back, couldn't find him and to my horror he was laying in the dirt, still wriggling slightly. He's so close, too, it looks like his head, part of his forelimbs a bit of his legs are still stuck. It's been, oh, 20 minutes or so now. I'm not sure how long I should wait until I declare it a hopeless cause.
Even so, I looked over and there we was, hanging upside down on his branch. I practically flipped and decided to leave him alone like I've read. Sadly, I came back, couldn't find him and to my horror he was laying in the dirt, still wriggling slightly. He's so close, too, it looks like his head, part of his forelimbs a bit of his legs are still stuck. It's been, oh, 20 minutes or so now. I'm not sure how long I should wait until I declare it a hopeless cause.