First time seeing a mantid


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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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North Borneo
When was the first time you saw these Alien creatures,and what species is it and are you afraid of them when you saw it for the first time...

When I was just 7 years old I'm interested in Insects that is a carnivore and eat its prey alive, so when my pop came home from his farm, and he gave me a plastic bag, inside I saw a Tenodera fasciata, I thought it was a stick Insect but I notice there are Rows of sharp spikes on its Forelegs so I think its a predator and also I'm not scared of them when the first time I saw it, I even let it crawl on my face, then I saw a grasshopper and I wanted to see if the Mantis is a predator, so before I let the Mantis catch its Prey I barrow my mums old video cam and record the Mantis and the grasshopper, I look away for a second and the next thing I knew, the grasshopper is already in the claws of the Mantis.Then when I playback the video, I was like OOOOMMMMGGGG.The mantis catch its prey so fast I cant even see it, after then I let go of my Mantis because I dont know anything about how to keep them as pets, but now I know how... ^_^

So whats your story...???

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I was at my aunt's house with my grandfather when I was quite young and there was a massive mantis crawling up the side of her house. I asked my grandfather what it was and he told me it was a praying mantis. It was huge, like five inches long, at least, so it had to have been a T. sinensis. I remember it was very green. I was amazed by it and wanted badly to catch it, but my grandpa said to be careful because they pinch. I never ended up picking it up. It's still the biggest mantis I have seen in person to this day.

It was a few years ago and i was out side with my brother and we were looking in the bushes and found our first mantis by accident now i am pretty sure it was the Florida bark, what a first mantis!!! We keep it for a couple weeks and named it cudao because it just destroyed bug we fed it. Finally we let him go i think it flew away.

About the time I was old enough to walk outdoors. Still the only insects I really care for.

It was at my grandpa's house.

We were walking on a nearby grass-covered hill when my dad said he saw something jump. After a few minutes of frantically hurrying through the grass he netted my first praying mantis. I'm pretty sure it was a male. :)

well as far as i can remember back my grandmother caught a female chinese mantid off of one of her flowers in Oct ina jar and brought it to my house and gave it to me. i was young and kept it as longas i could find grasshoppers and when the grasshoppers were gone it didnt last long :huh: i named it Anti-Manti B)

Maybe when I was 7 or 8. It was an adult female Chinese and I remember staring at it for hours...or some long measure of an 8 year old time span lol...watching it move.

I was probably about 7 or 8. I saw one in my uncle's backyard in the San Fernando Valley, here in S. California. I was very excited to see it. I had seen them on a nature documentry on television before I saw my first live one. They showed them being born and the ootheca looked huge to me on television. I remember telling my uncle that their egg cases were the size of basketballs.


When I was around 5 or so I found a recently mated T. Sinensis that was eating the male I got her to climb into a cup that the science teacher gave at the school. She laid around six ootheca three hatched at the school and where released in the school garden and the other three I kept and hatched then since I was overrun I released a bunch in a few places around town sadly I haven't seen a mantis around here in years.

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Too bad there are no mantids in the wild in the Netherlands! So my first meeting with a mantis must be in some zoo or something, but I don't remember it. I do know that I at some point I knew I wanted one while I never really studied them or read online or something. Then I saw an online advertorial for mantids and I looked the caresheets up and bought them. P. paradoxa and P. wahlbergii where my first mantids!

I remember opening the post package and taking the little containers out the box. One was with an adult P. paradoxa female... I was so amazed and intrigued by her looks... pictures are nothing compared to that. But I did not dare to pick her up so I placed her in her terrarium and watched her slowly climb out of her little box onto a stick. My own alien! Later picking up was not a problem of course.

I`ant got a clue lol, my dad started me on exotics, ive been into wildlife and what not all my life, right since i was a lil tiddler with sea monkeys lol.

My dad kept going on about a big spiny bug he had once so i looked into it and thus got into stick insects ^^

Cant remember first seeing a mantis once.


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