Flower mantis feeding techniques


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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2013
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I've raised idolomantis, generations of orchids and recently violins again so I'd thought I'd give some advice on stuff I do to get these picky eaters to eat. First off we all know their main diet consists of flying prey like blue bottle flies and moths, but they can be a scarce resource for food sometimes. Crickets with me are always out of the question when raising any flower mantis. If possible I prefer using roaches. Dubias or lobsters work great.  In colder months when there arnt a lot of avian prey and your stuck with commercial feeders you normally get at the pet store (I.e waxworms, dubias, mealworms) I find the best approach is to drop the prey in front or need the mantis to simulate a flying insect crash landing. Normally it gets there attention. If the mantis doesn't emediatly snatch the prey continue several times until the mantis notices the feeder and stares at it. If it's hungry enough it will slowly creep towards the prey for ambush.( I found this especially true with orchids and Idolos) DONT DROP THEM ON THE MANTIS. I know this is obvious but sometimes it can happen on accident and the mantis will lose interest and you'd have to try again later.another technique I recently found was with feeding my orchid mantises. I find this to work mostly with wax worms. Orchid mantids need high humidity therefore dehydrate and drink constintly. If you have an orchid refusing to eat but not gaining any wait try dumping a wax worm in front of the orchid. Next spray the waxworm with water. If anything the mantis will slowly lap up the water. Once it starts drinking from the waxworm the mantis will relize it's food and slowly grab the worm and eat it. Let me know what you guys think and if you have other ways of getting your mantis to eat
