I got this small vial of d. hydei from Petsmart. It took me about an hour and a half, running around to various pet stores, because I did not want to get another culture from Petco because all of them were in very poor shape. Now, what I am curious about is... the culture the d. hydei is in is BLUE. Will it turn my mantises BLUE?
Other than the BLUEness, it seems my mantises enjoy these creatures a lot! They aren't too large like houseflies or too small like melanogasters, I can feed them one fly at a time and not have to worry about it not being enough. And the vial is smaller, so I'll waste less flies and the hydei are easier to grab with my comparatively big stubby fingers... so I have yet to lose a half dozen flies at a time (The foam stopper at the top makes it easy to extract one a time as well!)