Fruit Fly Pupa


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2014
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So my babies hatch, and I feed them the adult D. Melanogaster flies that I have. There were plenty of little maggots and brown pupa(?) so I wasn't worried about having to keep my culture going. However, I don't have enough adult flies to feed all my nymphs! How long will it take for the pupa to hatch, and should I have kept some flies in there with them for some reason? And is there anything I can feed them in the meantime? I put a rotten banana on my front porch and turned all the lights on, but I'm not attracting much of anything. We sometimes have tiny ants in my kitchen, but even though these would be a good size, I've read ants are a no-no and they definitely wouldn't be safe as I put out ant poison for them. Do I let them eat each other, or do I feed them maggots, or will the pupa hatch tomorrow and is this worrying pointless?

I've got a lot of questions, but I think that's a big part of what this forum's for, and thank you all for being so helpful thusfar!

u will have wild flies any time now. Also, a lot of hobbiest do not realize the maggots and pupae are food. Scoop some maggots out of the culture on a spoon or something and give to babies with toothpick or just place in a spot where they can see them move. Also the pupae with the top poked and put on a toothpick works to when they get to taste it. But with new hatching this is not gonna work, but the maggots might.

They're eating the maggots! I also fed them some tiny green caterpillars that have been devouring my mom's rose bushes, and the nymphs ate those too. I might release a couple onto the bushes. I also got a few flies on the banana, I'll leave it out overnight and hope for more.

But I'm really glad that they like the maggots! That's probably what I'll use the most until I have adult flies. Thanks a ton for the tips, hibiscusmile!


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