I have the following tarantulas and millipedes for sale or trade. All the Ts are eating well and have molted once in my care.
0.0.10 Aphonopelma chalcodes (Arizona blond) 1/2" $10 (or $90 for all 10)
0.0.1 Chromatolpelma cyaneopubescens 1" $30
0.0.5 Grammostola aureostriata 1.25" $20
0.0.3 Grammostola rosea 1" $5
0.0.2 Brachypelma albopilosum 2.25-2.5" $15
MIllipedes (WC)
Apheloria tigana 1.75-2.0" adults 3 for $5
Narceus americanus 3" subadults $4
A. tigana is found in the Carolinas and Virginia. It lives in the leaf litter of hardwood forests. It reaches 1.75 - 2.0" as an adult and feeds on dead hardwood leaves and possibly rotting wood. This millipede readily releases it's defense secretions when disturbed. These secretions contain a cyanide compound and a strong odor, but are harmless to the skin. A. tigana can be handled without releasing it's secretion if allowed to crawl onto your hand. These millipedes will usually curl briefly when disturbed and then try to run away unlike N. americanus which seems to stay curled for several minutes.
Little is known about captive husbandry of this millipede. Recommended habitat is a several inch deep moist substrate of moist eco-earth with rotting leaves and hardwood mixed in and on top. Alternatively, another purchaser has kept his on a several inch deep substrate of mixed rotting hardwood mulch and leaves with more leaves and rotting hardwood on top. Temperature wise I'm not sure on these millipedes. They are active in NC in the late spring through early fall. Average summer temps here are 85+ in the day and 70+ at night. They are more active at night. Humidity here is around 60-70% in the summer.
A, tigana
0.0.10 Aphonopelma chalcodes (Arizona blond) 1/2" $10 (or $90 for all 10)
0.0.1 Chromatolpelma cyaneopubescens 1" $30
0.0.5 Grammostola aureostriata 1.25" $20
0.0.3 Grammostola rosea 1" $5
0.0.2 Brachypelma albopilosum 2.25-2.5" $15
MIllipedes (WC)
Apheloria tigana 1.75-2.0" adults 3 for $5
Narceus americanus 3" subadults $4
A. tigana is found in the Carolinas and Virginia. It lives in the leaf litter of hardwood forests. It reaches 1.75 - 2.0" as an adult and feeds on dead hardwood leaves and possibly rotting wood. This millipede readily releases it's defense secretions when disturbed. These secretions contain a cyanide compound and a strong odor, but are harmless to the skin. A. tigana can be handled without releasing it's secretion if allowed to crawl onto your hand. These millipedes will usually curl briefly when disturbed and then try to run away unlike N. americanus which seems to stay curled for several minutes.
Little is known about captive husbandry of this millipede. Recommended habitat is a several inch deep moist substrate of moist eco-earth with rotting leaves and hardwood mixed in and on top. Alternatively, another purchaser has kept his on a several inch deep substrate of mixed rotting hardwood mulch and leaves with more leaves and rotting hardwood on top. Temperature wise I'm not sure on these millipedes. They are active in NC in the late spring through early fall. Average summer temps here are 85+ in the day and 70+ at night. They are more active at night. Humidity here is around 60-70% in the summer.
A, tigana