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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2006
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Which should I get a Leopard or a Crested. Also should I get them from petco? Also can two leopard geckos live together? Because Petco sometimes has things like get Leopards for 20 dollars each and that would save me some money. Just wondering. P.S. I have never had a lizard.

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Which should I get a Leopard or a Crested. Also should I get them from petco? Also can two leopard geckos live together? Because Petco sometimes has things like get Leopards for 20 dollars each and that would save me some money. Just wondering. P.S. I have never had a lizard.
Well let me ask you this do you like the looks of coconut or sand? 1st thing 1st what do you know about them to start with?

Young leopards can be harder to care for for 1st timers they only eat live food, where cresties will eat live, & baby food fruit, also there is a mix food just for cresties so.

Leopards need a little more heat then cresties, cresties can be happy with room temp of high 50's - high 80, but about the same.


WHatever you get make sure you have done plenty of research and you have your enclosure set up before you get them. I have two leapord geckos and if you find them that cheap they must be babies. Leapord geckos should not be kept on sand, especially babies. Ceramic tile works great though. They also should not be kept together. Leapord geckos need live food so you will have to maintain some type of feeder insects. Do a google search on both, just type in leapord gecko care sheet.

Well I should of said Cal-sand and not just sand, there are a lot of thing to use for them, 1st thing to do is go read a book on them ask around or go to he puts out some good info.


Stay away from that cal sand if you feel you must use sand. Use play sand or pool sand.

Why not cal-sand? what happy with it for you, Iv used it for years no probs, so why are you so hard on it? <_< do you have stocks in play sand? :p

Cresties yes and no All geckos can be keeped in groups but only 1 male and 2-3 females.

Danny ;)

Why not cal-sand? what happy with it for you, Iv used it for years no probs, so why are you so hard on it? <_< do you have stocks in play sand? :p Cresties yes and no All geckos can be keeped in groups but only 1 male and 2-3 females.

Danny ;)
Impaction and it is simply a waste of money. Every care sheet I have read says not to use it as of late. I have heard most people say no sand at all with leapord geckos.

Impaction and it is simply a waste of money. Every care sheet I have read says not to use it as of late. I have heard most people say no sand at all with leapord geckos.


True but with play sand it can give Impaction more then Cal-sand, cal-sand can be ingest and not trun into A impaction it can be absorbed, but when a eye get it on it, it will try to absorb the calcium. :blink:

As I had said there are pros and cons for what ever any one would use, if you would want to use corn chip thats on you, I tryed play sand and have had impaction's in leopard's and beardies, there for I dont use it any more its up to you, and why the writer ofthe care sheet don't use it is they arnt careing for olny 4groups + the odd young, they have alot more groups and babys then me so its alot less money for them to use paper towles. Now with my young geckos I only have down paper towles for them, they dont know how to eat with out geting a mouth full of any kind of sand, and in my house I say its unsafe for my reps, again my house my reps and I'm only saying thats what and why I use Cal-sand any calcium sand okay ;) .

The reason for using play or pool sand is because of the shape of the individual sand particles, they are shaped in a way to NOT cause impaction. You're the only person I have ever heard that said play or pool sand has a greater risk of impaction. But anyways, no sand is advisable for leapord geckos. Cal sand/vit sand is proven to have more of an impaction risk!

This is geting old <_< what I have been told by friends and breeder of beardies that you run a risk of impaction with any sands, cal, paly, but cal-sand are the lester evil, now leopards papers are one of the top things to use with breeding groups.

B) Now go to a rep show and as the breeders you see there what they use and you will find some that use this, and then so that use that, then some that use something eles. And ask them what kind of reps they keep then ask why they use what they use, ok.

P.S. I have stock in cal-sands :lol:


Yeah my parents said I should start out with one juivie which I will put in a Kritter Keeper then move it into a big tank which I need to get a screen covering for and patch up a crack and a hole.

Actually cal-sand is worse because the gecko will more likely eat it because of the calcium inside it...

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Actually cal-sand is worse because the gecko will more likely eat it because of the calcium inside it...
Well I don't know none of my leo's like eating the cal-sand/ vit-sand, for when they eat if they miss they always spit the sand out, they don't seam to like the tast. :unsure: But that what I've seen with mine IDK what there doing when I'm not looking maybe there laping it up like A puppy :lol:


Yeah my parents said I should start out with one juivie which I will put in a Kritter Keeper then move it into a big tank which I need to get a screen covering for and patch up a crack and a hole.
what size is your big tank? A note cresties like tell houseing so you can stand A 10gal on 1 end so its taller, just a thought for you
