Impaction and it is simply a waste of money. Every care sheet I have read says not to use it as of late. I have heard most people say no sand at all with leapord geckos.
True but with play sand it can give Impaction more then Cal-sand, cal-sand can be ingest and not trun into A impaction it can be absorbed, but when a eye get it on it, it will try to absorb the calcium. :blink:
As I had said there are pros and cons for what ever any one would use, if you would want to use corn chip thats on you, I tryed play sand and have had impaction's in leopard's and beardies, there for I dont use it any more its up to you, and why the writer ofthe care sheet don't use it is they arnt careing for olny 4groups + the odd young, they have alot more groups and babys then me so its alot less money for them to use paper towles. Now with my young geckos I only have down paper towles for them, they dont know how to eat with out geting a mouth full of any kind of sand, and in my house I say its unsafe for my reps, again my house my reps and I'm only saying thats what and why I use Cal-sand any calcium sand okay
