Get a Load of This!!!


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agent A

the autistic flower mantis
Supporting Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
kk peeps so i went to a garden convention yesterday (SOOOO FUN!!!!) and bought cocoons

well one luna cocoon was held up to the light and something was amiss

i proceeded to cut it open and i found this creature




Is it alive? It looks like a Luna moth caterpillar that hasnt finished cocooning.

btw I took my Polyphemus moth cocoons inside for hatching a couple days ago. Cant wait for them to hatch

i dont think it's alive

it would've finished pupating long ago if it was

i have NO idea what caused this

and the proper term for the emergence of an adult insect from a pupa is eclosion ;)

i dont think it's alive

it would've finished pupating long ago if it was

i have NO idea what caused this

and the proper term for the emergence of an adult insect from a pupa is eclosion ;)
Let me try again.

btw I took my Polyphemus Moth pupae inside for eclosion. I cant wait for them to eclose!!!

Was that better? ;)

How long should they take to hatch at 80 degrees?

Last year I had 54 (Exactly) monarch coocons. 51 eclosed. (One deformed adult and 2 deformed pupae) They were just random. I had know Idea of what to do with them. I released many monarchs (51 total) everyday for a week! Boy, that was fun! I cant wait for summer. That is when the monrachs come back to my milkweed!!!

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Let me try again.

btw I took my Polyphemus Moth pupae inside for eclosion. I cant wait for them to eclose!!!

Was that better? ;)

How long should they take to eclose at 80 degrees?
good except for the last sentence :p

i edited it for ya! mine took about 18-21 days but these were not overwintered

i never kept overwintering poly cocoons, i got eggs last may but the whole second brood was an "all you can eat buffet" for tiger beetles :mad:
