Ghost Mantid nymphs (L2-L3)


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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2008
Reaction score
SoCal ---> Temecula
I just got my ghost nymphs from davedood, so I decided to take them outside and get some pics. Man these guys are amazing! (excuse the blurred antennas....they move ridiculously fast.)






Im so glad I finally got these guys...they were well worth the wait ;)

It's actually shocking to me how strong those are - L3 can tackle small waxmoths, and green bottle flies! Something that Sybilla L6 have problems with!

They are currently feeding on D. Hydei exclusively but I hope by next molt to spice up their diet. I do want to stick to flying insects only though.

I must say, they are incredibly fun taking pictures of, lol. (Even though they never seem to sit still :lol: )

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I must say, they are incredibly fun taking pictures of, lol. (Even though they never seem to sit still :lol: )How do you guys think I'm progressing picture wise?
LOL yeah they never sit still! I *always* regret the times when I choose to remove the entire lid to try to get one out or transferred!

Pictures look good...keep on shooting!

The only thing I don't understand is; what is with all the different crop sizes and aspect ratios?

ghost mantid nymphs look awsome when they are all compacted like that. gl :D

Thanks for the kind compliments everyone!

Kamakiri, I'm not really sure why I did that..... just whatever size said picture looked best in I guess :lol:

On another note, I had an L2 take a house fly today :eek:

Oops, hrmmm might have gotten the two confused that I let out.... :D

btw, Im loving the macro lens! I am now going to buy a set of bellows and a 28mm prime lens for 5:1 the old fashion way to compliment it!

Oops, hrmmm might have gotten the two confused that I let out.... :D btw, Im loving the macro lens! I am now going to buy a set of bellows and a 28mm prime lens for 5:1 the old fashion way to compliment it!
From L3/L4 you can distinguish sexes just by looking at the thingy protruding from the head - in case of males is a bit slimmer, and more "zig-zag-ish".

The one sitting on the flower is a male.

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Oops, hrmmm might have gotten the two confused that I let out.... :D btw, Im loving the macro lens! I am now going to buy a set of bellows and a 28mm prime lens for 5:1 the old fashion way to compliment it!
Yay! A prime lens and bellows! Great way to go for Super Macro, though I think that there are a lot of photographers now, who have never even seen one! Much more flexible than tubes, too!
