Ghost Mantis Nymph not eating


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Aug 4, 2013
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So, I ordered my very first mantis online. Everything was going great for the first couple of days. I misted regularly and watched my new L2-L3 Ghost munch the heads off of some flies. Until one day I found my creature on the bottom of it's cage barely able to move. I thought it was going to die that night. I moved it to a smaller cage and hand fed it water from a cotton ball and over the course of a couple of days it regained movement in it's legs again and was out and about like normal. But since then I have not seen it eat and it's abdomen is getting rather thin. I've been able to feed it little bits of honey, but it still has not eaten any flies. It's been over a week. What should I do?

Maybe it's ready to molt. How long have you had it? Has it molted yet? If that's not it, maybe you could try handfeeding him/her.

I have had it for 2 weeks, and it hasn't molted. The container is a plastic cage with a plastic and wire mesh lid. It came with the mantis when I ordered it. It's about 75 degrees.

2 weeks? It is most definitely trying to molt. Whatever you do don't try to feed it anymore or else you will disturb it and it may die (especially since it's only L2-L3).
