Ghost mantis refusing to eat


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Sep 4, 2016
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Maryland, USA
I have a L6 male ghost mantis that is refusing to eat. He hasn't eaten in maybe 6 days. The last time he molted was Nov 2. So he might be getting ready to molt but I thought they don't usually refuse to eat for that long before molting.

Any idea why he isn't eating? or any way to get him to eat? I have tried small crickets, blue bottle flies, and Hydei flies and he hasn't eaten any. I have even tried hand feeding with no luck. Or is this normal behavior for a ghost mantis?

@Mystymantis Just depends how well fed he was before hand too. I've had several males that went close to two weeks before I saw them eat again. During that time I always offered prey but they never ate. As long as he is doing fine, and is offered food, I wouldn't be too worried yet. :)

@Mystymantis you can try smearing feeder guts on his raptors, I do this with mealworms. I've cut a mealworm in half, squeezed out the guts, and put the guts directly on my ghost's mouth, he ate right away. 

Thanks so much for the advice! Good news though, he just molted! So that must have been why he wasn't eating. :) :) :D :D
Always great to read the issue resolved itself without issue. :D Glad to hear he is doing fine, and he should be ready for feeders tomorrow.

My male ghost after he molted has still refused to eat by himself.... I hand fed him a mealworm like @crabbypatty suggested and he ate that but since then he still hasn't eaten any prey by himself. I have small crickets, a tiny roach and Blue bottle flies in his container. And he doesn't seem to be interested in them. Is it normal for L7 male ghost mantises to refuse to eat for so long? I try hand feeding him BB flies and crickets and he still refuses them.  He molted on December 24th so it has been a few days since then.

The little guy used to eat food just fine.

Hi! I'm new here but I have an adult male ghost, Clyde and he rarely eats since becoming an adult...maybe 1 blue bottle every 1-2 weeks if that. But he drinks a lot of water. I worried so much about him becoming so skinny but apparently this is normal for male ghosts.  I suggest to always offer him food and make sure you mist often. Clyde loves to drink the water droplets off the sides of his house. I bet your guy would love a little honey. Best of luck to you and your little guy!!! 

Respectfully, Roxanne

@Mystymantis Mine ghost recently molted to adulthood and he got really picky again. I would take out any uneaten feeders since that might actually stress him out, and offer food every few days. If it's been awhile then I would suggest you do the same thing and cut a feeder and put the guts right to his mouth, and offer him water too, I do so with a dropper. I think it's just a ghost thing to be so picky, mine catches food sometimes but other times he'll just refuse to eat. Even if I cut a feeder he'll look at it and try to get away until I get the guts on his mouth and he gets a taste. They're soiled little turds, haha. 

For males especially it tends to be normal, and the species tends to have little if anything to do with it - as all males tend to near and especially at adulthood. ;)

I tend to offer my males prey just like the females, every other day typically. That way when the males are ready they can eat, but they usually hold out and eat once every 1-2 weeks. The males spend their time worrying about finding females to mate with (and in the beginning preparing for their goal), and seemingly remain very skinny to fly easier and further in their searches. Females tend to gorge themselves however, to store up energy to build ooths. :)

Feed them as you they allow, try and cheat with meal worms and such too if you can (my males refused them). If your really worried feed them some honey every 3 days or so, it will give them pure energy and keep them healthy.

Thanks so much for all the advice. :) :D Good to know my picky ghost mantis, Dusk, doesn't have anything wrong with him.   :) :) :D

I took out the prey so he isn't disturbed by it and will add some soon to see if he will eat it. I will try some honey or a meal worm if he still refuses to catch prey. Dusk does likes to drink water which is good.

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Good news, Dusk has finally decided to eat a fly. :) :D I am so excited!  :)   I put a blue bottle fly in and he got it right away.
Great to hear he was just being stubborn and finally ate as expected. :D You can likely count on him eating only as often as it took for him to eat this time, that way you can keep track. Of course offering prey every other or day or so is the best bet, but if he isn't eating you know why. ;)


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