Ghost mantis won't eat


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Active member
May 7, 2012
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I'm getting a bit concerned about my Ghost mantis, she hasn't eaten for a little over a week now. She had a perfect molt just two days ago so I know it's not because she's in pre-molt, at least not any more. She's still a nymph, though this was her 5th molt I believe. There's been no change in the temperature or humidity and all of my other mantids are eating normally, and growing very fast. There's also no change in her diet, I'm still feeding her micro crickets which is what she's always eaten before.

She looks at her prey when I show it to her, but then turns away. She just doesn't seem to be at all interested in eating and since her molt, her abdomen has become very thin. I haven't a clue why she doesn't want to eat, I can't think of anything that I'm doing wrong. Should I just keep trying to feed her everyday and hope she eventually accepts it?

Try flies and see if that gets her attention. They illicit a much stronger feeding response
Problem is, the only flies I have are flightless fruit flies and they are far too tiny for my mantis now. I can't find any bigger flies in any local pet stores either and the only flies that I can find on eBay are just the same type of fruit fly (keeping in mind that I live in the UK, so no idea if the USA side of eBay has any larger species of flies).

She may just not be hungry yet, some of mine haven't eaten until 4-5 days after a molt.

She may just not be hungry yet, some of mine haven't eaten until 4-5 days after a molt.
I guess I'll just keep trying to feed her once every day or so. My African Lined Mantis molted just yesterday as well and is still refusing food. She's only gone without food for about 4 days now though so I'm not so worried.


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