Google translate messes up latin names!


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
Reaction score
Long island, NY
Google translate sometimes changes mantis latin names to be funny. Here are some examples. In order to do this, you must separate the words so the translator picks them up. For example: Rhomb oder a stalli. Others, like popa spurca, are fine the way they are.

Rhombodera stalli: halibut odor stall

Popa spurca: Filthy state of siege

Blepharopsis mendica: Rev harmony help it beggar

Idolomantis diabolica: diabolical idol hands

Acontista multicolor: Eon desiredst a many color

Stagmomantis limbata: Google hands given moving limbo

Hierodula majuscula: Oh sweet, they have never stopped by OLDER

Hierodula membranacea: Oh sweet, they have never stopped by the membrane

Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii: Create fake clusters wahlberg

Pseudocreobotra ocellata: Create clusters of fake voice was called Augustus

Tenodera sinensis- The tenor of the argument but if it is being; If this aspect of the course being

Paratoxodera cornicollis- Prepare toxic odor for i had not the heart of a lawsuit

Toxodera fimbriata- Toxic odor from tasseled

Creobroter gemmatus- Believers are rotated for jewels worth

Empusa pennata- Empire used the numbers given

Deroplatys lobata- Is Plato fail myself lobed

Deroplatys dessicata- Is Plato fail myself given divide

Pseudoharpax virescens- greenish fake predator

Hymenopus coronatus- Marriage work crowned

Callibia diana- call from the gods of nature

Parymenopus davisoni- I think i am not match hypothetically give me bison

Brunneria borealis- i make the brown wings

Pseudempusa pinnapavonis- Empire used the feathers of a fake peacock

Statilia maculata- Stand away from the lime stains

Acromantis magna- And ,ultimately great

Acromantis formosana- And, ultimately , whether the form

Sphodromantis viridis- Compared to Rome leaving it green

Metallyticus splendidus- Metal expression and spleen brightness

Sibylla pretiosa- A huge advance for the egyptians

Acanthops falcata- Thistle the power scythes

List your own!

It just goes to show you how accurate Google translate is...

Some of these "pronunciations" could be song or album titles! People would try to find deep meanings in them :p
