A few weeks back, I tried to mate my H. coronatus. The male mounted successfully, and rode around for several days, but I never did see copulation actually take place. It might have, but I did not witness it. Now, my female has laid an ooth. Unfortunately, she placed it near the bottom of her enclosure, directly on the container surface, in such a location that is is going to be damn-near impossible to remove it. I've attached images:
From the top, looking into the container:
From the outside of the container:
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing that, short of cutting into it, there is no way to tell if it's fertile, right?
Also, any ideas about how to remove this, or how to incubate it? I figure that I could invert the container without removing the ooth; that way, if nymphs do hatch, the ooth will be oriented properly so that they can descend as they should.
Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks!
From the top, looking into the container:
From the outside of the container:
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing that, short of cutting into it, there is no way to tell if it's fertile, right?
Also, any ideas about how to remove this, or how to incubate it? I figure that I could invert the container without removing the ooth; that way, if nymphs do hatch, the ooth will be oriented properly so that they can descend as they should.
Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks!