Have to hand feed food - Chinese Mantid, approx. 1"


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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2011
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Still catching up on terminology - but mantid was on at least 3rd molt (does that make him a 3L?) and fell. Has great difficulty moving around (back legs deformed & front legs have lost ability to grasp), but is managing to start walking a little. He can not catch anything. Have to hand fed him. He ate 3 FF this morning which makes me think I need to get something more substantial. I've been reading the posts on flies & crickets. In his weakened state, I don't want anything to EAT HIM. Do I slow down the flies & crickets (to catch them) the same way I would do the FF (freeze for 2 minutes?)? Thanks for any suggestions.

When they hatch they are L1, so if your nymphs had molted 3 times, it must be L4.

Hand Feeding is hard, some said it is better put it to sleep, but I always try to hand feeding my mismolt nymphs, and thanks to that I saved one nymph (lost about 4 or 5), first thing I think you have to realize is, if your nymph can hold itself from the mesh, so it can molt next time (if it can make it to that molt), if it can may be you can go on the way you have been doing it.


When they hatch they are L1, so if your nymphs had molted 3 times, it must be L4.

Hand Feeding is hard, some said it is better put it to sleep, but I always try to hand feeding my mismolt nymphs, and thanks to that I saved one nymph (lost about 4 or 5), first thing I think you have to realize is, if your nymph can hold itself from the mesh, so it can molt next time (if it can make it to that molt), if it can may be you can go on the way you have been doing it.

Thanks for your reply, Mexxico Ghost. It's a day by day situation. As long as I don't think he's too uncomfortable, I'm willing to do what it takes. He has at least started walking, and can stand up on a screen, though not hang (right now). About the food .... what would a L4 be eating right now? Do you think a cricket is best (that i have to cut up - yuck) since he is not capable of capturing anything?

You can stick crickets in for a few minutes to slow them down, but I never do. When I had to hand feed I tend to just grab a cricket and quickly crush its head. Then I would use a toothpick to rip it open a bit more near the head region and offer to the mantis. Tweezers or forceps to hold the cricket in when offering will make things easier on you. Also I find it helps to go from the side/underneath versus approaching head on with the cricket since that can spook many mantises. Once they taste the juices of the cricket most will start to eat with relish. Honestly size of prey item doesn't really matter at this point since you will be killing and hand feeding beforehand. You can also try flies or other prey items if you prefer. Some people have found instead of ripping prey items open a tiny dab of honey will often work to get them eating.

Also don't forget to offer some water. Since he is having so much problems with movement I would offer some via eyedropper/needless syringe. Just hold it up to his mandibles like the food and he will drink his fill.

You can stick crickets in for a few minutes to slow them down, but I never do. When I had to hand feed I tend to just grab a cricket and quickly crush its head. Then I would use a toothpick to rip it open a bit more near the head region and offer to the mantis. Tweezers or forceps to hold the cricket in when offering will make things easier on you. Also I find it helps to go from the side/underneath versus approaching head on with the cricket since that can spook many mantises. Once they taste the juices of the cricket most will start to eat with relish. Honestly size of prey item doesn't really matter at this point since you will be killing and hand feeding beforehand. You can also try flies or other prey items if you prefer. Some people have found instead of ripping prey items open a tiny dab of honey will often work to get them eating.

Also don't forget to offer some water. Since he is having so much problems with movement I would offer some via eyedropper/needless syringe. Just hold it up to his mandibles like the food and he will drink his fill.
Excellent suggestions - I just have to get over crushing the cricket's head. :( I will be heading out to get some crickets at lunch so at least he'll have some dinner tonite. Did you have to get over the squeammish stage too?

If you get tired of holding the food, you can put it on a bottle cap or some other slightly raised platform. You might want to check out this topic to get some ideas of how to care for a crippled mantis.
Deby - Thanks so much for steering me to those comments, I came away with SO MUCH HOPE!

Thanks sooo much!

I used hand feed my mantis with crickets, I cut the tail fo the cricket, also their legs (the long ones), and offer the "jelly", I hold the cricket with some forceps.


You're very welcome, Marianna. :) Soon enough you'll get over having to crush and tear up feeder insects. If anything, your love for your sweet little mantis will keep you going. ;)

Excellent suggestions - I just have to get over crushing the cricket's head. :( I will be heading out to get some crickets at lunch so at least he'll have some dinner tonite. Did you have to get over the squeammish stage too?
I never really had a squeamish faze when it comes to crickets. I used to keep them as pets when I was younger and still look on them fondly even if I feed them. I like to crush the heads to both prevent any worry of them biting the mantis while I'm trying to clumsily feed and in my own mind at least make the death more humane/quick for the cricket. Insects don't have the same build as us vertebrates though so I sometimes wonder if that is really the case. I've noticed however most crickets go pretty still once the head is crushed.

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