HD Videos: Mantids - Ghost, Violin, & Chinese


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
Reaction score
I just wanted to thank a few people:

Peter Clausen for being so active and helpful,

Craig Condon for the Ghosts,

Yen Saw for the Violins,

and Rebecca for all the great supplies!

I'm new to this and I've had some success thanks to these people.

Hope you enjoy these vids. I couldn't get the videos to emmbed so you'll have to follow the links. :(

FOR BEST QUALITY: Select the HD option in the lower right corner of the player, then switch to full screen.

More insect vids here:


And for good measure, a few pics of the Violins when they were babies...





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Do you use a camera specifically for video, or are you just using a picture camera with a video setting on it?

Do you use a camera specifically for video, or are you just using a picture camera with a video setting on it?
I use a Canon Vixia HF200 for video. I took the photos with my Olympus C-4000 (point-and-shoot) before I got the camcorder. I'll be using the camcorder for stills from now on. Better macro abilities, picture quality, and I can just grab frames from the HD video.

I absolutely LOVE the Canon Vixia HF200! Highly recommended. Got it refurbished for $400. You can place an object as close as .25" in front of the lens and it will focus perfectly. Added a +10 magnification filter for $42.

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No offence , but what is that ugly avatar u have, gives me the creeps
That's my baby picture. I grew out of it...

Actually it's a creature I made in Photoshop using my real face. The mouth is made from my fingers.

I was going for full-on creepy so congratulations to me! Whoo-hoo!


That's my baby picture. I grew out of it...

Actually it's a creature I made in Photoshop using my real face. The mouth is made from my fingers.

I was going for full-on creepy so congratulations to me! Whoo-hoo!

LOL! That's great. :D


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