Hello fellow Mantid Hobbyists! (and questions)


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Mar 22, 2015
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hello all, I'm new here, currently keeping my first "exotic" mantis phyllocrania paradoxa, (ghosts) and i am looking to eventually also keep gongylus gongylodes (wandering violins)

atm i have a few questions right of the bat (and looking for answers is the main reason i joined this forum)

1) I am looking for a reliable blue bottle fly pupae suppliers in Canada, or people who can ship to Canada. (yes- i am aware i can raise maggots myself, but my current living space does not allow for such things)

2) I am looking for Ghost ooth, or a female sub adult (or female sub adult(s) and males) to add to and start a "colony"

any answers of direction would be appreciated, thanks! :D

(also posted is a picture of my little guy, Marilyn Manson)

MANSON -3.jpg

Hello Ej and welcome to the forum

No idea of local companies of fly pupae inside Canada. If it's anything like the states you should be able to find blue bottle maggots, also called spikes, at many fish bait places though nearby.

There are a few places online too, but they do not mentioned Canada shipping costs so you will have to try them yourself, such as MantisPlace, Grubco, and I've found JADA Bait shop sells the spikes/maggots in bulk.

You can get Ghost mantises or ooths from MantisPlace, and check the classifieds here on the forum - or better yet make a new topic there to see what everyone has.


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