Hello from central Cali


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Ricky Ortiz

Active member
Feb 3, 2010
Reaction score
Stockton, CA
Hello all! Name is Ricky Ortiz, from Stockton Ca, I am very new to Mantid keeping I've kept the local stuff around my area as a kid growing up but never purchased anything exotic before. I keep all sorts of critters such as snakes (mainly hognoses), Tarantulas, true spiders, Geckos (uroplatus), and I think thats it. I work for Ken The Bug Guy on my spare time always a pleasure to play with all the cool stuff he gets in. I just picked up my first mantis from him 5 P. paradoxa, and 2 Sibylla pretiosa. I also am into photography mainly inverts and reptile stuff I do alot of field herping and bug hunting. Well I think thats about it for me I hope to ge sucked into this hobby I've always enjoyed mantids hope to be adding to my mantis collection and possibly breed a few things! Looking forward to getting to know all of you!

P. paradoxa


S. pretiosa


Uroplatus phantasticus







Welcome from SoCal! We also have a photo forum to share your excellent pictures :) You can find the rest of the photographers there too.

Hi Ricky, and welcome to the forum... with all us other mantid-crazy people! Nice to have you here. :) Once you've caught "the bug" you'll never be the same, lol. Looking forward to seeing you around on the boards. ;)


Welcome, Ricky! The dead leaf geckos are awesome. I tried to talk my son into one recently, but we all decided that a crested would be a better start for a 9 year old. Someday though!

Welcome! Do you travel to shows with ken? If so I believe I met you last year in San Diego - - your name sounds familiar =0 I think you told me it was alright to hold a 'huntsman' spider, if I bought it first........

Welcome! Do you travel to shows with ken? If so I believe I met you last year in San Diego - - your name sounds familiar =0 I think you told me it was alright to hold a 'huntsman' spider, if I bought it first........
LOL No I was not at that show but I was at the Pomona bug fair, and Anaheim show with Ken. Although that does sound like something I'd say :p My favorite is telling people Hisser roaches taste good as I stuff a few in my mouth and act like I'm eating them most people freak out lol.

Thank you all for the worm welcome!
