Hi most call me Ron. I currently reside in Long Beach, CA.
Just thinking about occupying some of my free time with something,
most women find absolutely horrid and discusting! Way to go Ron! I
think I am on to something?
I need to find it, but can we post small video clips on this forum? I have
a sweet short of a mantid coiling up the abdomen, aiming and firing a shot
of urine on to my frig door almost 2' behind her, all while munching a cricket's
head off! It's classic lawsuit material, cause there is no way she will be able to
plead not guilty to vandalizing my ice box!
Have a good one!! Tomorrow is my favorite day!! 11-11
Just thinking about occupying some of my free time with something,
most women find absolutely horrid and discusting! Way to go Ron! I
think I am on to something?
I need to find it, but can we post small video clips on this forum? I have
a sweet short of a mantid coiling up the abdomen, aiming and firing a shot
of urine on to my frig door almost 2' behind her, all while munching a cricket's
head off! It's classic lawsuit material, cause there is no way she will be able to
plead not guilty to vandalizing my ice box!
Have a good one!! Tomorrow is my favorite day!! 11-11