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Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
My name is Stephen, I just moved to Las Vegas, but I grew up in Washington, lived all over the west coast and central Canada. I'm a programmer, but I like designing and building physical things as well. I'm a bit of a tinkerer and whether or not it's true, feel that I can build anything.

Manti have always intrigued me, though the only time I've ever kept one as a pet was while working in Guinea. (West Africa) While I was there, my roommate and I kept a praying mantis in one window and a chameleon in the other.

Looking forward to this Mantis project and meeting y'all!


Welcome Stephen!

I did the opposite of you, I grew up in Nevada and later moved to Washington. I hope you opt to share some pics of your adventures in Guinea, especially if you happen to have any mantid-related shots! :)

What species of mantids did you keep? JW and WELCOME
I don't recall, this was about 14 years ago. I'd have to look through a list of indigenous manti.. even then I'm not sure I would recognize it. Unfortunately, I opted to take a cheap point-and-shoot camera instead of my SLR. Every single insect and most of the small lizard pictures came out blurry. (the leaf behind my target was beautiful though haha)

It was a lot of fun feeding the mantis each evening when we weren't working.

Welcome to the forum Steve! You have made the right choice in joining here! What species do you plan on starting with?
Well, my girlfriend and I have been looking at a few species. I really like P.Paradoxa and I.Diabolica, but K really loves the Orchid Mantis.(so she's gunna get some L2s for Christmas!)


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