Idolomantis diabolica ootheca
First off, welcome to the forum! It's a wonderful place with some great people. But I'm going to try and warn you about the devils mantis.
1. They are a species that requires a decent amount of experience
2. Since you are getting a ooth that makes it even harder because to get a ooth to hatch it's difficult, especially with a exotic species.
3. If your ooth hatches, what are you going to do then. I don't know how much this species hatches into, but it's got to be at least over 40 up to the hundreds. How are you going to care and house for all those nymphs as your first experience? And whatever you do, DO NOT release them into the wild.
4. And these mantis require special care. Lots of heat. And they are not the most hardy mantis... they also get MASSIVE. You would have to get some decent sized enclosures for them.
5. They are also expensive!!! And if you've never hatched an ooth, all that money might go to a unhatched ooth.
Just to sum it up... please don't do this. Just get a easy and hardy species to start, and have fun! Also make sure to buy from a reputable dealer. Not sure about Canadian dealers, but make sure you don't get a bad seller!