Help- mantid has mis-molt!


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Active member
Apr 21, 2012
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I found my praying mantis attached to a stick, newly molted, with his skin completally hanging off one foot. He couldn't push it off because his other back leg was curled up over his back- very deformed. I finally decided to help him, and succeeded in quickly pulling it off without harming him, however, the other back leg was the same as the first.

What should I do? They're both curled half-way up over his back, so he can't stand on them or use them. I think he may have eaten, though. Will he be able to molt again. If he does, will this problem correct itself? Should I just put him out of his misery? I'm afraid he'll starve to death or something.

Thank you!

I usually keep mine and doctor or nurse them, but is up to you, he will still eat and live, u may just have to help it. I just got thru feeding a headless roach to one of mine, sat meself down at the kitchen table with some newspaper under them and because he cant stand and his face if right near the paper, I put the roach there and he went to town, so then I took the paper and all back to the bugatorium so I did not have to hold it. yeeppeee! glad hubby did not see what I had!!!

If it can hunt and catch food and hang from the top on its own it should correct after a couple momolts. If not you may have to hand feed which can be time consuming sometimes. If it can not hang on its own you might want to put it out of its misery.

As long as he is eating and is able to climb, he should be okay. If he can't hang properly though, he might not survive the next molt :( .

I usually keep mine and doctor or nurse them, but is up to you, he will still eat and live, u may just have to help it. I just got thru feeding a headless roach to one of mine, sat meself down at the kitchen table with some newspaper under them and because he cant stand and his face if right near the paper, I put the roach there and he went to town, so then I took the paper and all back to the bugatorium so I did not have to hold it. yeeppeee!
I've done the same thing many a times for my 'special' mantises.

But hand feed/water him if he cant do so in his own until he molts, and by the sound of his mismolted body parts he might need help molting.

All the best,

