HELP mantis is dying!


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Dec 27, 2009
Reaction score
New Jersey, USA
Sorry for poor grammer/spelling, trying to put this up a quickly as possible. i found my adult chinese mantis dying on the floor of his cage...not moving much, legs folded under him,gave him drops of water, drops of honey he DOES take them... ANYTHING ELSE I CAN DO???

Sadly there really is nothing else you can do. Sounds like he is dying of old age. Chinese males start to die off in the wild right about now, well if they don't get eaten first!

It really all depends on the mantis. I have had some that would die now, and others live till the new year? Females generally live longer than males. I have never seem a wild chinese male live past the middle of October. Well at least around here.

Well, I'm sad, but I guess it's just nature taking it's course. I'm not sure of his exact age but I have a video I took of him eating and he was already adult for probably about a week if I remember correctly and the date on it is Aug. 30. I feel a LITTLE bit better thinking it wasn't something I did wrong.

it is very unfortunate but at this time of year there life comes to an end naturally. there was nothing you could have done :(

I registered here to post a question about my dying mantis as well, I suppose it's the same situation. I had no idea they had such short lives.

Farewell friend

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