Calm down. You have to understand something. If you cant do anything, we cant do anything. We told you to get fruit flies or pin heads for them, but you dont have any money. All it takes to raise a nymph is keeping it in a small container and giving it some food(for instance, fruit flies or pin heads) and water. Since you only had 3 nymphs left, they probably would have died anyways, of just mysterious causes. That is what happens to the majority of nymphs that hatch out from an ootheca.
You said they were eating ants, that supplies food. What about water? They could have died from dehydration.
And lastly, this forum has some very knowledgeable people, who have many years of experience in keeping these and other insects. Your calling us *******, when in fact you are the one who doesnt know anything. When you obtain a new animal, you need to have the money to be able to at least buy food for it.
How old are you anyways? You sound like a little kid having a temper tantrum. Why dont you just have your parents buy the food for your mantids?