Don L.
Well-known member
Sorry for multiple posts, but the Edit button is not working for me. Just adding now that I am not at all certain of the exact species of this "new" mantis from Tanzania. I am going on the best information I have been able to find, and from help from others. For more detailed information on this hardy new species, please see my previous posts. The majority have been sold, but there are a bunch more, and I am awaiting another hatchout of my second ooth. If you choose to offer info, know that several people have told me the nymphs are an inch long on the Heterochaeta species they've come across, but these aren't those species, as the nymphs are a typical size and shape, dark brown with no leafy projections, pointy eyes, or "special" antennae. Open to suggestions if you think you know this mantis species, or general family (know the tribe already)! I will of course keep a group to rear for myself, as I too am most curious to learn of them. Thanks!