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Mar 17, 2012
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
New to the forums, just thought I'd say hello. I'm just getting into mantis care, looking into getting my first few very soon. My favorites have always just been the big "garden variety" ones, so I'll probably be looking toward the sleek green species like Sphodromantis viridis or Tenodera sinensis at around L3... Works for me that I've read those are good newbie species, anyway!

I'm an artist and animator located around Seattle, WA... Mantids have always been a huge inspiration for me, since they're so beautiful and fascinating, so finally looking into keeping some for live study is really exciting. Here's some ink stuff I've done...


(Please don't repost. :'D )

So I'm sure after a few months I'll wind up totally enticed by the flowery exotic species anyway... That always happens, haha. Trying to keep it simple for now, though! I'd love any recommendations or tips for the newcomer, a list of other good beginner species, etc... I'm still left a bit wondering if heat lamp setups are necessary for all species, or just some (or any?).

Anyway, hello, and thanks, all. c:

Welcome! Good begginer species are Sphodromantis, Hierodula, Popa, Creobroter.

Good luck with your art it looks great!

Beautiful artwork!

I would say Sphodromantis being easiest...also very very likable. Popas as well are easy to care for...If you become a forum supporter its $12, you can take advantage of 6 free Popas I believe, thats how I started.

The Chinese (Tenodera sinensis) are very cool, slightly bigger...well longer than virdids or lineolas

But ask around people have all kinds of mantids for sale and for free all the time on here. more information than you could ever imagine as well....with wonderful people to answer questions.

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Welcome, we don't have many artists, mostly photographers, look forward to seeing what you whip up for us.

Welcome! Glad to see a fellow Seattleite!

I've got some fresh oxyopsis gracilis nymphs if you'd like an easy-to-care for (can be raised communally at room temps) but still exotic mantis without the hassle/expense of shipping. :)

Beautiful artwork!

I would say Sphodromantis being easiest...also very very likable. Popas as well are easy to care for...If you become a forum supporter its $12, you can take advantage of 6 free Popas I believe, thats how I started.

The Chinese (Tenodera sinensis) are very cool, slightly bigger...well longer than virdids or lineolas

But ask around people have all kinds of mantids for sale and for free all the time on here. more information than you could ever imagine as well....with wonderful people to answer questions.

free what?...

I signed up as a supporter...

I mean welcome!!!!

Mimblex I started with Two ghost & 1 Sp. Lineola nymphs...they all made it to adult with no mismolts or heatlamps or other special care.

use ditilled water to spray every other day or so. keep em fed and let them out to play and every thing will be good.

(just dont let thme get too cold or dry (or wet but I think you have to try to hard for that)

Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!

Fault - Thanks for the tips and info, I didn't know about the popas with forum support, either. How does one go about taking advantage of that? I hadn't seen any mention of it outside of here, haha.

lunarstorm - Thanks for the offer, but I've already got some blue flash babies headed my way (maybe, wating on replies). Excited!

mantiscurious - Good to know! I was a bit concerned about setting up delicate lighting and all that, glad to hear it's not really necessary with the more hearty species.

And thanks for the nice comments on my art stuff, all. More to come soon!


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