house spider


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
so i was cleaning out my table fountain today and found one of these fellas inside! i know they are pretty common, but this is the first i've seen in my new place. i'm keeping it! :p (invert obsession setting in!). so does anyone know about these spiders? i found these images since my camera sucks, this seems to be similar to the one i've found. any ideas on care / lifespan for these? it has got to be easy / short i'm assuming.


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To identifiy. Click on the spider on the left:

:rolleyes: I know, I know,,,, it is a common name (cellar spider) poisonest and we have them too, my mantis love them, they grab them before I get the chance to get close to them, and the one in the pic u showed is a male.... ;) they more than likely won't hurt u, not big enough to, or so Chuck says!
Just in case anyone cares:

This little fellow can live up to about three years! Good fun.

Pholcus phalangioides, the daddy-long-legs spider or cellar spider (also known as skull spider due to its cephalothorax looking like a human skull), is a spider of the family Pholcidae. Females have a body length of about 9 mm; males are slightly smaller. Its legs are about 5 or 6 times the length of its body (reaching up to 7 cm of leg span in females). Its habit of living on the ceilings of rooms, caves, garages or cellars gives rise to one of its common names. In Australian homes, they are considered beneficial because they will kill and eat the venomous Redback spider.

This is the only spider species described by the Swiss entomologist Johann Kaspar Füssli who first recorded it for science in 1775. Confusion often arises over its common name, because "daddy longlegs" is also applied to two other unrelated arthropods: the harvestman and the crane fly.

Pholcus phalangioides has the habit of shaking its web violently when disturbed. This is probably to blur the vision of a predator. They can easily catch and eat other small spiders, mosquitoes, and other insects. When food is scarce, they will prey on their own kind.

Because they originally came from the tropics, these spiders do not seem to be aware of seasonal changes and breed at any time of the year. The female holds the 20 to 30 eggs in her pedipalps. Spiderlings are transparent with short legs and change their skin about 5 or 6 times as they mature.

An urban legend states that they are the most venomous spider in the world, but that because their fangs are unable to penetrate human skin, they are harmless to humans. However, recent research has shown that pholcid venom has a relatively weak effect on insects. No similar research has been conducted to determine its effects on mammalian biology. In the MythBusters episode "Daddy Long-Legs" it was shown that the spider's fangs (0.25mm) could penetrate human skin (0.1mm) but that only a very mild burning feeling was felt for a few seconds.

;) thanks for the common name hibiscusmile!

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