how can I feed my nymphs if fruit flies don't come on time


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Starving Always

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
California, United States
I'm getting my first wonderful popa spurca nymphs from Yen! (first ever mantis/nymph purchase!!!!!) I JUST CAN'T HOLD IN MY EXCITEMENT AHH.

anyways, so I bought from this website and in my order was a producing D. Hydei fruit fly culture. they ship from CT, (im in CA) and they told me (through email) that it wouldn't come until next week...

so I'm really worried what would happen when the L3/4 nymphs arrive (they will arrive this week) ... I'm scared they might starve cause lack of food. I'm open to any suggestions and/or any method I could try so that my nymphs are well fed when they arrive. 


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if you order express you can have them tomorrow from me. It is expensive with the new postal hike, but if u need it what can one do?

Not sure what u can feed them until then unless u can find real pinhead crickets at the pet store or a small vial of fruit flies at the pet store. The small vials only have a few flies if any alive, dont know how much u will get out of them.

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If you cant get anything for them you can give them honey. Try to find unfiltered. It will have pollen in it. It is best for them. Dont buy Sue Bee, that is trash honey. It has corn syrup and it really comes from china. You can taste the difference between suebee and local honey.

Suebee is bland, local will have a complex flavor.

If you cant get anything for them you can give them honey. Try to find unfiltered. It will have pollen in it. It is best for them. Dont buy Sue Bee, that is trash honey. It has corn syrup and it really comes from china. You can taste the difference between suebee and local honey.

Suebee is bland, local will have a complex flavor.
already did this hehe, thanks

if you order express you can have them tomorrow from me. It is expensive with the new postal hike, but if u need it what can one do?

Not sure what u can feed them until then unless u can find real pinhead crickets at the pet store or a small vial of fruit flies at the pet store. The small vials only have a few flies if any alive, dont know how much u will get out of them.
hey! i checked out your website and recently purchased!! i ordered many enclosures :) my order number : 10057

Another option is to cut the head off of a mealworm and take a small blob and try to stick it to your mantids mouth or face if they are really teeny nymphs.

Not at all. They are available at any petstore. I keep them in a plastic drawer in oatmeal. They like slices of cucumber, bugburger, lettuce etc. Dont give them carrot as that can kill your mantis! 

if you order express you can have them tomorrow from me. It is expensive with the new postal hike, but if u need it what can one do?

Not sure what u can feed them until then unless u can find real pinhead crickets at the pet store or a small vial of fruit flies at the pet store. The small vials only have a few flies if any alive, dont know how much u will get out of them.
To the rescue!

My local aquarium shop also sells fruit flies and other live insects (for reptile hobbyists, I guess). Last year my rhombo ooth, which I thought was a dud, hatched unexpectedly and I searched all my local Petco's and Petsmart's, but they were all out. Fortunately I decided to check my aquarium shop and they had huge FF cultures brimming to the top with flies.

In some pet stores, you might need to ask the employees since they keep live mealworms in a fridge that's hidden in the back of the store, the "Employees Only" area. 

As a last resort, you could buy live crickets and cut them apart to feed the mantises. I usually avoid pet store crickets since they could be contaminated with illness, but you can keep them for 2-3 days first, feeding them with fresh veggies. I've fed crickets to L1 nymphs before (when I was in a similar situation as yours). I cut the crickets apart and, for example, fed half a cricket leg to one nymph, and the other half to another nymph. Or half a head. It's a bit gross and very time consuming.

My local aquarium shop also sells fruit flies and other live insects (for reptile hobbyists, I guess). Last year my rhombo ooth, which I thought was a dud, hatched unexpectedly and I searched all my local Petco's and Petsmart's, but they were all out. Fortunately I decided to check my aquarium shop and they had huge FF cultures brimming to the top with flies.

In some pet stores, you might need to ask the employees since they keep live mealworms in a fridge that's hidden in the back of the store, the "Employees Only" area. 

As a last resort, you could buy live crickets and cut them apart to feed the mantises. I usually avoid pet store crickets since they could be contaminated with illness, but you can keep them for 2-3 days first, feeding them with fresh veggies. I've fed crickets to L1 nymphs before (when I was in a similar situation as yours). I cut the crickets apart and, for example, fed half a cricket leg to one nymph, and the other half to another nymph. Or half a head. It's a bit gross and very time consuming.
yes i do agree. its is really time consuming. its what i exactly did just today haha. 

yes i heard… the crickets from pet stores aren't trusted, but there wasn't any other choice.

i will try to ask if they have any live mealworms the next time i go there, thank you.

we dont have too many aquarium shops here, and i doubt they do have FF cultures but if anything, they will be my second choice to look at, thank you. 

oooh, i will definitely try feeding my crickets with fresh veggies as i still have some!! (many of them escaped throughout my house due to not careful actions…) ill have to check again with you on that :)

also, where do you recommend me getting crickets from if not from the pet store? thanks for everything!!! 

You can look around your yard for small insects,  check out a pet store for their smallest feeder insects or try a little honey in an emergency. I personally bought a vial of melanogasters and let them produce for a while. When the vial ran out a month later, I took about 12 flies and made a DIY culture out of a 32oz cup, and now I have a freaking TON of flies. Enough to raise my 12 nymphs of various species for quite some time.

What I used as media - 1 banana, an equal amount of apple sauce, 1 cup of instant oatmeal (or a couple of packets). Mash all together really well. Microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute, add a few pinches of dry active yeast, mix up, sprinkle a little yeast on top. Let it sit for 24 hours to release all noxious gasses (flies will die if you don't wait). Then, put in a little shredded paper, or whatever else to help them climb on. Make sure you ventilate the lid. I just cut a circle then taped a paper towel over the hole.Then, just wait a week or 2 and you should have a pretty decent FF population.

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