How much should I feed?


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Well-known member
May 20, 2017
Reaction score
Lambourn, England, UK
My mantis is now l4 and I still have fruit flies. How much should I feed him/her (not sure now) whilst I wait for my new flies how many ff a day?

Not really a specific amount. Most mantids will stop eating when they're full. It's largely a myth that they'll gorge themselves to death. Just feed your mantis until his/her abdomen is thick and pointed straight.

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I would give him as many as he wants but not every day. If he eats heavy one day, watch and adjust the next day. Just my opinion on part of feeding mantis.

See how many get eaten and adjust from there. This is just for a few days right? Lol if 5 get eaten see if it is enough. BTW, what kind of mantis?

See how many get eaten and adjust from there. This is just for a few days right? Lol if 5 get eaten see if it is enough. BTW, what kind of mantis?
It is rhombodera basalis at l3 I fed him/her 2 fruit flies per day. He/she molted the day before yesterday. 5 did all get eaten he/she seemed fine with it? Also I don't understand what you mean by "just for a few days right?"

LoL When you live at the stage where a big bump may be followed by being eaten, Yeah, Ya flinch a bit. :eek:

Thought you might be going to a larger size fly and waiting on their arrival.

LoL When you live at the stage where a big bump may be followed by being eaten, Yeah, Ya flinch a bit. :eek:

Thought you might be going to a larger size fly and waiting on their arrival.
Yes I'm getting curled winged flies. I'll probably feed him/her like 1 or 2 a day or something. Is that about right?

Yes I'm getting curled winged flies. I'll probably feed him/her like 1 or 2 a day or something. Is that about right?
This is one of those too often times that a common species name can be misleading and confuse everyone.

What is called in the the scientific community a curled/curly wing fly is a genetically modified tiny fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster); however, I see some sellers/pet stores mean a house fly (Musca domestica) that has been genetically modified too. So that begs the question which fly are you referring to - the D. melanogaster or the M. domestica? (and why you should use scientific names when possible too)

Looking at your previous thread photos of you mantid's size (as different species have different sizes at the same instar), if feeding M. domestica likely 3 per feeding every other day will be plenty. If you are using D. melanogaster, which are not useful as a feeder for your nymph now, you would have to about fill the container likely 20+ flies, and you really need to find a more appropriate sized prey feeder.

Personally I feed my mantids every other day a varied amount (depending on their abdomen size), but if you want to feed daily and a set amount then 2 of the M. domestica flies daily would be fine. :)

This is one of those too often times that a common species name can be misleading and confuse everyone.

What is called in the the scientific community a curled/curly wing fly is a genetically modified tiny fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster); however, I see some sellers/pet stores mean a house fly (Musca domestica) that has been genetically modified too. So that begs the question which fly are you referring to - the D. melanogaster or the M. domestica? (and why you should use scientific names when possible too)

Looking at your previous thread photos of you mantid's size (as different species have different sizes at the same instar), if feeding M. domestica likely 3 per feeding every other day will be plenty. If you are using D. melanogaster, which are not useful as a feeder for your nymph now, you would have to about fill the container likely 20+ flies, and you really need to find a more appropriate sized prey feeder.

Personally I feed my mantids every other day a varied amount (depending on their abdomen size), but if you want to feed daily and a set amount then 2 of the M. domestica flies daily would be fine. :)
Yes I'm getting domestica and one question for feeding, for feeding 2 flies per day should I feed at the same time or one in the morning and one in the evening. If at the same time what time? Or does it not matter?

Yes I'm getting domestica and one question for feeding, for feeding 2 flies per day should I feed at the same time or one in the morning and one in the evening. If at the same time what time? Or does it not matter?
Alright good, glad it is the more appropriate sized feeder, your mantis will be happy. :)

It doesn't matter if you feed the same time or split it up - if you split it up your get the feeding show twice a day though. :D I tend to feed mine once in the evening a few hours before their light timer puts them to bed.

Alright good, glad it is the more appropriate sized feeder, your mantis will be happy. :)

It doesn't matter if you feed the same time or split it up - if you split it up your get the feeding show twice a day though. :D I tend to feed mine once in the evening a few hours before their light timer puts them to bed.
