Well-known member
Just got this girl recently. She's so fat. Only a couple days more til my male is ready.
She's already 6 weeks old and not calling. :helpsmilie:give her at least another 2 weeks
and put me down for some nymphs if they breed
i would literally send u ALL my stalis for a few orchids lol
I feed her too much, especially during these last 2 mating much do u feed her???
Ha Ha!!! that photo of your "prosthethic device" is gold! shame it it didn't work, but it sure gave me a laugh.mating hymenopus is a pain in the you know what...I lowered mysef and made a prosthetic device to prevent the female (guillotine) from attacking the male...(it didn't work):
didnt angelofdeathzz and trans am offer a few adult males abt a week ago?Congrats on the mating!!!
Now only if i could find an adult male :lol:
I talked to trans am and he is only trading them for really rare species, so i am still lookingdidnt angelofdeathzz and trans am offer a few adult males abt a week ago?
Instead of placing them on a flat surface to mate, place them on a vertical net instead or upside down. Make sure to monitor them just in case the female gets aggresive.I talked to trans am and he is only trading them for really rare species, so i am still looking
Mantid_mike, what is the technique you used that DID work?