I don't get this...


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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2007
Reaction score
amstelveen Nl
look, so i've heard many people giving other names on this fella:


We all know this is the chinese mantis, but now the real question:

From browsing trough the forums, a few people call them

tenodera aridifolia

A few others call it

tenodera sinensis

And the most call it

tenodera aridifolia sinensis

Are sinensis and aridifolia 2 diffrent spieces or is sinensis a sub spieces from aridifolia?

If it's the last case, what is the diffrence between those 2?;

I think Christian knows this :lol:

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Assuming bugguide.net is accurate, sinensis is the subspecies.

Family Mantidae

Genus Tenodera

Species aridifolia (Tenodera aridifolia)

Subspecies sinensis (Chinese Mantid)

I have told this many times, but I'll give it another try:

Tenodera aridifolia sinensis is WRONG, because it is outdated.

T. sinensis is right. It was treated as a subspecies of T. aridifolia for a long time, but this was an error, as both species are as different as T. sinensis and T. angustipennis are, for instance.

The confusion only arose because this species was often used in scientific studies whose authors, being not taxonomists, used this name (T. a. sinensis) for decades, although it was corrected by taxonomy much earlier.

T. aridifolia is, of course, closely related (otherwise there would be no confusion), but distributed more in the tropics, while T. sinensis is its subtropical and temperate counterpart. The distribution in N-America is of no importance in this regard, as it was introduced there.

We should totally stickie everything Christian says :p
Or maybe an easier solution would be to ask Peter to add an extra function to the search feature that only searches Christian's posts. He has answered just about every legitimate question on this board at least once as it is, so that would be very usefull.

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