so ok i have a mantis i named harry houdini regardless if its female or male (i beleive its a she).. so outside of my work i caught a praying mantis, it was missing part of its back left leg and part of its right feeler. so i bring it home in a small cardboard box, small hole at top, set it at the top of the stairs near storage in the complete opposite side of where i sleep in the house. i go to bed, door locked with all of my stuff. get up following day do my usual rush in the morning cuz im late. leave the house, drive to the next town where i work, park, windows up and locked car. go in at 8, come out on my 10:15 break and low and behold there is a mantis sitting on my car, passanger side, top of the door, looking at me in its praying position. so let me step back for a second i had a witness to the first catching, and here on my break i have this mantis sitting on my car, wierd, its missing part of a leg and a feeler... i have two witnesses to the catching of this mantis, me coming outside, finding it on my car and catching it... because theres no way the mantis i left in my locked, windows all closed, brick house, in the box at the top of the stairs, could be this one?! no f' in way... so i get home (i have a video of this and a witness), with this "new" mantis in a new box, go inside, open the other box, and it is empty. it is the same mantis. ok the box escape i can understand, but the next morning im running around like a mad man, i would of def noticed or squashed (accidently) a mantis that happened to maybe land on me in the morning... mmmm far fetched.. sooo through a box, locked car, a town away, highway driving, to the top of my car... i went got a cage and a ton of crickets, i am spoiling the ###### out of this little friend of mine. i even share my cup of water with it, it really likes my face, and it hangs out on my hat while im driving or whatever... fascinating little creature... i named it harry houdini... how could i not? so what better place to share it than here.. yea