Id mantids


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And where you can see all the families listed in India, and not only in India?
For example in the world catalogues of Ehrmann (2002) or in scientific papers like Mukherjee (1995) "The mantid fauna of India" (but there are some more recent descriptions).

More than 5000 scientific articles on Mantodea including more than 800 relevant for taxonomy does not make it too easy.

It is in the book, world catalogues as stated by Kai. There might be a link somewhere but it will still take a long time to 'filter' out many mantis species from India out of more than 2000 species.

For example, Deiphobe species from India can be found as follow, 7 species as Kai mentioned earlier

- Deiphobe brevipennis Sjöstedt, 1930:31-32 [india]

- Deiphobe brunneri (Saussure, 1871):428-430 [india, Nepal; in subgenus Fischeria][=Iris brunneri Saussure, 1871]

- Deiphobe incisa Werner, 1933:900-901 [india, Myanmar; Nepal?]

- Deiphobe indica Giglio-Tos, 1916:25-26 [india]

- Deiphobe infuscata (Saussure, 1870):23 [india, Nepal, Sri Lanka][=Phasmomantis infuscata Saussure, 1870]

- Deiphobe longipes Werner, 1926:18 [india]

- Deiphobe mesomelas (Olivier, 1792):635-636 [india; Bombay]

Thanks. I understand. But I am looking for information what type and where to live in the world. In

Russia is very difficult to find any book on mantids. There are not many breeders and difficult to find information. I sometimes ezdiyu in different countries, but often I have no information on the types of mantids that live there (That's what I'm looking for.

Thank you.

If you are looking for India bugs, it is probably easier and cheaper to find the local insect field guide. Mantis book are not easy to find anywhere in the world, not only in Russia.
