ID of this Indian Mantis


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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2009
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Can anyone help me with identifying what species this mantis is I had gotten him from chrisp and he also could not remember what species this mantis is.All I know is that it is from india and all of his of the same species are green color but mine is a little orangish and here are the pictures and kind of blurry but can still make out the mantis well enough.If anyone knows what it is and happens to have a male of this species as I could also use to breed with this female!




Check your source... That is definitely a sphodro sp.
It does look like a Sphodromantis species. Looks different from the Hierodula species I searched. How long are they? Please measure them carefully to see how long they are. I am not sure if all Sphodromantis species live in Africa. In Wikipedia it says "Sphodromantis is a large genus of praying mantises concentrated in Africa". That means most and not all right?
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well if it turns out to be a sphrodomantis then does anyone happen to have a male they could donate or sell but according to chrisp it did come from india but he said precarious may know?

looks like mine but just wanting to be sure and do you have any males of this species I can borrow?

Just had to ask!

It is certainly not Hierodula patellifera! They are smaller than most Sphodromantis species so if those mantids from india are about 9cm long then they certainly not Hierodula patellifera. But they look so different that I am pretty sure they are not Hierodula patellifera! The only mantids I have seen in pictures that look like that mantis are Sphodromantis species. Unidentified Sphodromantis species.

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I got like 10 of these from Chrisp, if they are the same species. When I got mine, he said he had no idea what they were, but possibly some Sphodromantis species. I was waiting to ask for an id until mine molted to adult. Mine are all green.

I had like three of them too out of 10 but one mismolted and gave one to chrisp and kept one and this is the one I shown and this one turned orangish would love to find a male for her to try to continue her lineage if anyone happens to have a male of course of the species!

well mine does have that one little dot on her wings which is white around a tiny black border like in that picture!

"Can anyone help me with identifying what species this mantis is I had gotten him from chrisp and he also could not remember what species this mantis is.All I know is that it is from india"
I do not think he would have forgotten what species they are unless he mixed them up with a whole lot of mantids on a shelf or something. Do you mean he just did not know or do you really mean he forgot the species of this mantis? Maybe a person in India got a Sphodromantis from somebody and bred them there and gave them to Chrisp.

I had a lineola that looked like that Unidentified Sphodromantis species colorwise before!

well mine does have that one little dot on her wings which is white around a tiny black border like in that picture!
Sphodromantis lineola does too. I guess they are Sphodromantis lineola but I could easily be wrong.
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He says he dont remember but he did say though precarious would prob know what species it is and thats what he told me when I talked to chrisp last!


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