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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
Claremore, Oklahoma
Hubby caught this in our entryway. Too cold outside lately, so I guess this guy decided to come in for awhile!




He looks like some sort of phasmid or something...not that I have much experience with them, but he holds his forelegs just like a stick insect. He also has a short proboscis folded back under his "face", so...does he drink plant juice or bug juice? If anyone has a clue what this could be...let me know! (I also don't know whether it's an adult or not...kinda' looks like a nymph, but...THIS LATE IN THE YEAR???) :blink:


I would certainly say bug and not walking stick.

And would agree not an adult.

I thought the folded back rostrum meant bugjuice drinker. That is, I thought the downward point of the plantjuice drinkers wasn't fold-able.

But I could be way wrong on that.

Well, thanks so much for that information! It certainly does look like the Zelus sp. assassin bug! I still have to wonder why we found it so late in the season as a nymph, but I just read about another type of assassin bug that takes 3 years to mature to adulthood, so I presume they must overwinter somehow! Given that this guy was in our house, on our would only make sense that he apparently thought he'd found a good place to overwinter! ;)


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