Okay, so I got a video of the Mantid in question... pay close attention to the insides of the legs, and not any to the dork who wrote a comment claiming poor Simi Sam was gross... anyways, lol, this Mantid was found in Simi Valley 2 months ago. I have had the pleasure of viewing maybe, over the 100 mark, of male california mantids this spring & summer due to the large surplus of them floating about the complex I live in, and none had those inner markings on the legs, all had bigger heads and bigger eyes (i have some pics of the 'normal males'...) and when brown, were generally dark brown not creamy white (he darkens after eating but is usually white)... Is this just a Cali Mantid? A sterile hybrid? A species out of a shipping box? What do you guys think? Seen any marking like that? Thank you in advance for your patience & responses!