Idolomantis diabolica L6 eats crickets (Video)


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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For anyone who doubts Idolos will eat crickets here you go.

I'm low on flies (again) so I offered some small crickets. I used tongs and giggled them around like flies.

Not their food of choice, but good to know they will take other food in a pinch. ;)

I don't think it about if they will eat crickets, it's more about a myth(almost folklore) that it can make the ooths less or not fertile, something about too high of protein or something like that?

but in any event one or two can't hurt in a pinch. :D

Hey truth be told I was low on flies once so I had to feed them some of my L1 Chinese I had way to many of :blush: not proud of that though.but they scarfed'em down!

Phil or Yen may have some facts for us less experienced brotheren? Y/N

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I don't think it about if they will eat crickets, it's more about a myth(almost folklore) that it can make the ooths less or not fertile, something about too high of protein or something like that?
I think that specific myth is in regard to Gongolys laying infertile ooth after eating crickets.

I've never heard it directed at Idolos, but I have heard others state they will not eat crickets. Under normal circumstances they probably won't. You have trick them.

Wish I could trick my Violins into eating crickets. Having a hard time keeping bb flies on hand. It's not as fun keeping mantids in winter, or at least mantids that prefer flying food. :(

I think that specific myth is in regard to Gongolys laying infertile ooth after eating crickets.

I've never heard it directed at Idolos, but I have heard others state they will not eat crickets. Under normal circumstances they probably won't. You have trick them.

Wish I could trick my Violins into eating crickets. Having a hard time keeping bb flies on hand. It's not as fun keeping mantids in winter, or at least mantids that prefer flying food. :(
yeah your probably Right but they are closely related ? would just hate for the myth to have some truth to it.

I think to be safe I'll try a Big mac :lol:

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Yeah - mine gorged on crickets if I let them, but they prefered BB's. Harder to really gorge on them.

My Gongy's are the same. They'll take the BB's until they're gone, then pick off the crickets (reluctantly). The tweezer/wiggle trick worked on almost all of them. I even used the trick with BB maggots when I was really running low.

as for the rumor, I know I'm new, but as a result, I've done a lot of reading here...

I'm not so sure that it is the crickets, but what some might be feeding their crickets.

I've noticed that some people use dog food and other animal protiens to feed heir crickets. this would be a big no no in the chameleon world and it should be a big no no for our mantids as well.

so what do I feed my crickets (and superworms)?

high calcium rich foods such as, colladgreens, daindilion, and kale. fruits such as orange slices (contains calcium and vit C), strawberrys, blueberries, and kiwi.

I almost never use a dry gutload other then at times when I have way too many fruitflys in my house. then I only use what is called "cricket crack" from someone on the chameleon forums...this formula is the only dry gutload that is healthy for our animals, and dare I say mantids.

I don't care if I'm not feeding off any crickets for a few days, my crickets deserve something better then some dog food. a diet that they would normaly never eat in the wild.

just something to think about.


We never tried crickets with our Idolo, but we might try them tonight. We feed crickets to our H. coronatus and P. wahlbergii every once in a while and also feed them mealworms and dubia. Flies and moths are still their main food, but we like to give them something else every once in a while.

Our feeder insects are gutloaded with honey and left over Repashy CGD.
