Importing mantids into Canada


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Try to check your countries laws. Should be able to dig something up. I personally won't ship anything out of the country.

Hey guys,

To import in Canada, you need an import permit delivered by CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency).

And honestly, these permits are hard to get trust me...

Here is the list of all living organism (other than animals and plants) who do not need a permit:

(Et voici le lien pour les gens qui parlent français ;) )

Concerning the mantids, this is a non sens rule.

Basically, this is only because CFIA agents have not took the time yet to study and add exotic mantids on this list. Let me explain why:

Almost all exotic carnivorious organisms (spider,scorpion,etc) do not require permit because they do not represent a phitosanitary risk. They do not attack crops/vegetation/forest as omnivorious organisms can do (locusts, exotic catterpillars, etc...).

I hope this is a little bit clear ;)

