Inchworm bad prey item?


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Tried to feed a mantid an inchworm - didnt eat it so i just left it in there. Any danger to the mantid from that? I heard they are voracious predators.

Yes, they are indeed voracious and frightening predators. I was on an expedition in the treacherous Hahamongna watershed (it's near Altadena) many years ago. We had heard stories about the allusive Nemoria diamesa larva and how dangerous it was. We laughed it off as we sat around the campfire telling stores of the more dangerous Lepidoptera spp. we had encountered on our expedition. But none of those stories prepared us for what would happen later that night. After the last marshmallows had been toasted and the black light traps turned off, we all went to our tents and went to sleep. There was a loud scream and the entire camp was awakened. Then there was another scream and we all ran (okay, a couple of mass-challenged guys tripped and stumbled) to the source of the scream. It was a horrible site. There must have been a score of N. diamesa larvae devouring one of our sweep nets. It was terrible. There was silk everywhere. We had to use fire to chase the N. diamesa larvae away and none of us slept the rest of the night. We built the fire up hoping it would scare any other larvae away. When morning came, we got out of there as fast as we could.

I still have nightmares....



:eek: r u guys serious? I had an inchworm on something last year and was washing it off and the worm fell out and I thought it was a stick, so I went to pick it up and it moved, imagine my horror! But I got it on a stick and thought how cute the way it walks, mama used to tell me about them. But I did not know they were trouble, I will have to look it up, huh! I was thinking of looking for them, now thats out!
lol, Scott. Sounds like a harrowing experience. I go hiking and fly fishing all the time at the Hahamonga watershed - since i live in the foothills directly above it.

Not going to hurt anything. If the mantis doesn't eat it you may as well just remove it.

:eek: r u guys serious?


Dangerous caterpillars? Dangerous Lepidoptera spp. (Butterfly and Moth) encounters? Using fire to chase away Nemoria diamesa (a species of inchworm) larvae?

Of course I am not serious! But I couldn't let an opening like "I heard they [inchworms] are voracious predators." go without having some fun.

I guess my humor is only funny to me..... :(


That's OK, Rebecca... I've been told (and admit) that I'm too gullible and trusting at times too. :rolleyes: Makes me a favorite target of certain co-workers and family members. <_< But there are much worse things in this world than being gullible. And if we can laugh at ourselves and contribute to the fun, I say it's not a bad thing. :D


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