Sticky - I think Andrei would be another excellent contact (insect behavior and ecology). If you want to drop a name, I'm John Miller and am affiliated with the Department of Astrophysics @ Princeton. It's not buggy, but it's academic.
Andrei Alyokhin,
Associate Professor of Applied Entomology
Degree: Ph. D. 1999 University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Phone: (207) 581-2977
Email: [email protected]
Location: 315 E Deering Hall
Research Topic:
Insect behavior and ecology, integrated pest management, biological evolution of insecticide resistance
Research Program:
The major areas of my research interest are integrated pest management and applied insect ecology. Presently, humans possess a vast arsenal of different pest-control techniques, ranging from synthetic insecticides to natural enemies, and from transgenic plants to quarantine regulations. What is lacking, however, is a good understanding of the ecological consequences of their implementation for both target and non-target organisms. When a particular action is taken, whether it is an insecticide application, planting of a transgenic cultivar, or release of a biological control agent, it is imperative that we can forecast the sequence(s) of events it might trigger. Limited-scale toxicological and host-range assays, still commonly used for decision-making, often do not reflect actual developments in the field. As a scientist, I hope that my research will contribute to building a knowledge-based foundation for predicting effects of human intervention in insect communities. Specifically, I am interested in a variety of topics related to the dynamics and regulation of herbivorous insect populations, including interactions with host plants, natural enemies, cultural practices, and insecticides. I am also interested in more theoretical aspects of invasion biology, with an emphasis on the ecology of exotic organisms deliberately introduced to a new location by humans. For more information on my research interests and background, please visit our laboratory's
Web site.