Is it common for mantis to not finish food?


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Jun 27, 2017
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After my first mantis died the other day I ditched the fruit fly culture since it was about 30 days that I had it. I have been catching moths and mosquitoes to feed my other mantis. He/she has molted twice (I believe that's an L3?), and wanted to move on from only feeding fruit flies. 

Two moths I fed it were not completely eaten, and neither was the one mosquito I fed it so far. It almost seems once the insect it is eating stops moving, then he/she stops being interested. Is this typical? I know mantises typically refuse food when they're close to molt, but he/she stalks/hunts the food, so I don't think that molting is the cause (12 days since last molt, so it may be close).  

Just curious if abandoning food before finishing it is typical Chinese mantis behavior? 

Edit: I wanted to quickly clarify that I didn't feed all this to the mantis in one day. It was over the course of a week. 

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@rhetoriccamel If the mantid molted twice since it was hatched yes it is a L3.

Yes it normal for a mantid not to eat all of a feeder. In fact I don't think I've ever seen a mantid that did eat a whole feeder. For example many parts of a feeder are never eaten such as wings or legs. Then there are particular individual feeders that may taste off/bad, or the mantid isn't hungry anymore, so the rest is discarded by the mantid.

Mantids are messy eaters, and one reason they prefer to hang upside down to eat, as feeder remains fall away from them.

I kept mantids for the first time starting this winter and I had Chinese also, and noticed they left crumbs a lot.  :)   Usually the wings and sometimes legs.  With crickets and blue bottle flies, I noticed they often left the butt.

When I went away on vacation, I loaded my adult Chinese male's enclosure with blue bottle flies and pupae that would hatch in a few days, and when I came home almost a week later, the bottom was littered with shiny blue bottle butts haha.
