Nothing wrong here, flies come in three different color air breathable bags. blue bottle in green or red if a double order.
House in red bag, stable in pink. Before asking a whole group, ask the seller first & give them the whole picture group so they can reply.
Temps here in the bloody 90's last week, Lucky to have live flies at al in this weather. If you would of asked me first you would of been told that every purchase of flies per customer gets a replacement of flies once even without express shipping. If you purchased 6000 from me in the last month then
as you say, shipping was probably the problem as this is first time flies were hatched. Ask yen, he will tell you how my blue bottle flies are. Also you said something about a sponge, what was that about?
So, you mean BBF and House flies can be put in red bag right?
'there was high temps in your area in last week'
that's the why i requested cold pack with supplies shipping service.
And now you saying to me 'you don't even use the express shipping '
Sorry, I don't know when you put that phrase on your site.
i pretty sure i didn't saw that last time and still i can't find the express shipping service option on your site.
wait, you mean mantis shipping service?
Whose gonna be use the $37 shipping service to order a $7 flies?
And what.. sponge?
what do you mean.
i didn't say anything about the sponge.
only i said "I ordered flies with sponge that provides moisture for mantis,
They Filling the box too tight, So many pupae and flies blow up inside"
as you can see the photo the paper bag is filled with flies fluid.
because you put packaged too tight.
that's not a matter of delivery problem.
That is the seller's carelessness.
it's a paper bag, ma'am.
And yes, "I have bought about 6,000 Blue Bottle Flies your website in the last 3 months"
last 3 months, not a last month. you can check it.
The status of the last order was particularly bad, but the flies I've received in the meantime were similarly messed up.
But I keep using your store, and i didn't tell you the problem what i got.
reason for that, your store's BBFs are very good price and some of the stores i've been using are out of stock.
(I understand the problem that occurs during delivery.)
In the first order, I simply thought you made a mistake. I thought you sent House Flies or false flies by mistake,
because is their size and hatching problems are very similar to the house fly.
and also, we having trouble with extra charge of shipping costs at first order, so I didn't want to have a conflict with you again.
by the way, I didn't know DIPTERA Calliphoridae is a blue bottle fly when you told me last night.
i think it's a green bottle fly or what it say.. blow flies? something like that.
I knew that only Calliphora vomitoria is the blue bottle fly.
sorry about that.