Japanese Gladiator Matches-Cruelty to Animals!


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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Buffalo, New York

The vid shows an emperor scorpion grabbing the eyes and abdomen of an unknown species to me. Though the mantis tries to escape, it can't gain traction on the slippery glass.

The scorpion is twice as tough as the mantis, as well as twice the size of the mantis.


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Since when do mantises and scorpions live in a wild environment where they meet? I don't even think a desert dwelling bleph will ever see a scorpion :mad:

At least fight it against something it coevolved with

Oops! I am not on youtube a lot, and I don't know what's fresh. I was just watching some mantis vids until I mis-clicked on an icon, and this came up.

its only cruel to some I do like animals and think theres far worse things to do to harm animals then this in all fairness!

Their insects and they dont really feel or anything the same as mammals do or other higher life forms and may be battered for my views but I find my views are just as valid!

I agree, there are worse.

This is the first video I have found myself(not the other cruelty video that I learned about on this forum) so I found it the most disturbing mantis-related video I have seen.

I got no problem watching it being that its a fad and with all fads it will fade away or those who were or are in it will out grow it and maybe find something else to do!

well the same thing is said when they use centipedes against scorpions too or such!

Yes, this is why I switched all my mantises over to a vegan diet. It was an unfair fight for the crickets, flies, or butterflies I was previously feeding.

I'm not a fan of these gladitory shows, and I'm not going to watch the vid to give it views, but I find it hard to completely slam the practice considering I regularly feed my mantises live prey that don't stand a chance.

I hate this cruelty. It's awful. I just cant stand it, hearing how humans pick off defenseless animals like it's nothing. It makes me sick

I would not worry as much though on insects fighting insects as someplace else that species ooths are repopulating the ones being used as game pawns!


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