I was waiting for some nymphs from Kiet, finally they arrive here in Mexico, some lost (delays of packages thanks to the february 14th), but some alive, now they are my "consentidas".
I am so glad that you got some of his Lobatas. they realy are the best. I know I love mine regardless that they are defective and never play dead for me...
btw, mine are a bit shy of eating in front of me and I have to walk away for them to start eating.
I love your photos. keep us updated on this as this is one of my top favorite mantids and would love to see them as they grow for you.
Mine were never fond of flying things. But they had that playing dead thing down cold! If you touched them when they were playing dead, they'd shoot sideways about 5 or 6 inches and freeze in place! Almost impossible to spot in the leaves. Really amazing.