L2 ghosts from Rebecca


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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
NYC area
hi everyone,

when I opened the box today you can tell that the insides were made with love.

everything was wonderful and I like the samples.

3 ghosts plus an extra was found inside, along with a mystery mantid.

now Rebecca is no fool...she packs up this mystery mantis in a NON SEE THRUGH CUP. so what, I now have to guess what it is before I even open it? :clown:

my L2 ghosts are doing great, and what a spunky crew they are.

they would not go into their new home for anything...even after I gave them a moment to calm down. if they were hand held a lot, I can tell by the way they just didn't want to leave my hands. :surrender:

I hope you enjoy the photos.







Nice! I got 2 sexed pairs of L4+ ghosts today, can't wait till I breed them. :)

What else do you have? The mystery one looks like a spiny flower mantis, but don't go by my nood words. :D

It's a Creo, either gemmatus or pictipennis...probably won't know until it's an adult, since they're so similar-looking.

And you got a mystery mantis??? I just got my box today from Rebecca today, but didn't get a mystery mantis! (Maybe because I requested fly pupae?) :unsure: Ah well...maybe next time! :p

They are gorgeous, though, aren't they? (The ghosts, even if they ARE little boogers!) :D

-Carey Kurtz-

It's a Creo, either gemmatus or pictipennis...probably won't know until it's an adult, since they're so similar-looking.
yeah, I figured. but you gata say...that is one foxy lady none the less. :wub:

And you got a mystery mantis??? I just got my box today from Rebecca today, but didn't get a mystery mantis! (Maybe because I requested fly pupae?) :unsure: Ah well...maybe next time! :p
sorry to hear you didn't get a mystery mantis.

if ya like ghosts, I'm loading up on them and the first baby is on me.

so, BTW, what did you get?

They are gorgeous, though, aren't they? (The ghosts, even if they ARE little boogers!) :D -Carey Kurtz-
I look at them as little ninjas. :ph34r:


haha! good pics! r u gonna enter the calander contest?
thank you for the flattery, but I don't think I can compeat with the likes of Ryan's ghosts. :punk:

besides, I'm so new here and it's best to let the normal members who waited all year for this contest to have their fun.

(I could be a judge if needed.)

once again, thank you for everything. your little ones are doing well and I love them to death.

( OMG, I just said I loved some bugs on the internet!!!! )


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haha, too late everyone now knows!! And everyone listen up!

The calander is for all members, a lot of the older members must of died or lost their mantis disease, so we need everyone to enter, newbies and oldies, one and for all, post your pics, you are part of the fun now, no excuses unless your me and we all know I can't take a good pic, bless my soul! :lol:

haha, too late everyone now knows!! And everyone listen up!

The calander is for all members, a lot of the older members must of died or lost their mantis disease, so we need everyone to enter, newbies and oldies, one and for all, post your pics, you are part of the fun now, no excuses unless your me and we all know I can't take a good pic, bless my soul! :lol:
ok, ok, I'll post 1 photo of the L2 ghost and 1 of the Creo. but I might have to take another photo of the creo as she's now an L2 and I got to watch the end of her molting...it was so cool. B)

