Malaysian Blue Mantis


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New member
Dec 16, 2017
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Hi everyone,

My names Elliott, I am I new member to this site. I have a beautiful female Malaysian Blue Mantis called Beau, who I’ve had for 5 months. 

She has had little crickets, mealworms, curly wing flies, and tropical woodlice. Does anybody have any more suggestions on what food to give her?

many thanks, Elliott 3D84EB1D-F777-4C21-B80B-EAAC585775F6.jpeg



Hello Elliot, nice mantid. Sounds like you've tried a good variety already, but you could also try roaches. They are available in many varieties and are usually large, which can be nice for large mantids if you find feeding tons of little things annoying. You could also try Morio worms, which are like a giant mealworm, some folks cut thir head off so its easier to feed to the mantid. Oh I also like to give mine wax worms/wax moths. 

Last edited by a moderator:
Welcome. Beautiful mantis you got there! I would recommend bluebottle flies for food. You can buy pupae online.

Hello Elliott and welcome to the forum

I have moved your post to the introduce yourself section, as that is what you have done. ;) Your girl has really grown since you have gotten her, and her wing buds show she is nearing adulthood (likely L6).

Indeed with the larger size she is now then crickets, cockroaches, bottle flies (available as pupae online), mealworms, waxworm (and moths), and appropriate sized moths are good options.


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