One of my mantis has molted for the first time he/she is now I think almost 1cm longer than before! The skin is just hanging there on the mesh on the side of the enclosure and I will take it away if soon (go and get it if it´s not fallen to the bottom tonight).
I wanted to ask you, I have 4 nymphs from the same hatch (well 3, my friend got one of them) and they are diffirent sizes. The one who just molted is the biggest and always was, is now much bigger. He/she is nr.4 and nr.4 has eaten the least amount of food, only one housefly in many days, he came to me on wendnesday and didn´t eat until saturday when he took a housefly and then nothing and today thuesday The others have eaten more but are smaller.
The breeder was talking about that he thought that the males were bigger now in L3/L4 because the females would molt more often. Is that right?
Then the biggest one would be male and the small once females?
Is it common that nymhps from the same hatch grow on a diffirent rate?
I wanted to ask you, I have 4 nymphs from the same hatch (well 3, my friend got one of them) and they are diffirent sizes. The one who just molted is the biggest and always was, is now much bigger. He/she is nr.4 and nr.4 has eaten the least amount of food, only one housefly in many days, he came to me on wendnesday and didn´t eat until saturday when he took a housefly and then nothing and today thuesday The others have eaten more but are smaller.
The breeder was talking about that he thought that the males were bigger now in L3/L4 because the females would molt more often. Is that right?
Then the biggest one would be male and the small once females?
Is it common that nymhps from the same hatch grow on a diffirent rate?