Mantid Heaven Question


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Jun 19, 2009
Reaction score
What are the signs that a mantid is nearing death? Will it start to change color? Move slower?

Also quick question about my enclosure...

My mantid is the color of a green leaf. Should i be putting leaves in my tank or just branches to climb on? At the moment i have both.

Signs of impending death can include stopping eating, abnormal lack of movement (mantids naturally don't usually move a lot anyways), sitting or laying on the cage floor not moving, hanging listlessly by just one or two walking legs, or obvious signs of mortal injury like bad mis-molts or getting decapitated by their buddy/mate. Sometimes limbs start to darken or turn black and/or fall off or the mantis will chew them off. Sometimes a mantis dies after a bout of vomiting or diareah... but not always.

And then there are often times there are no symptoms or warnings at all. You find them dead totally unexpectedly... seeming for no apparent reason.

What you have going on is fine. Sticks are good. Leaves with the sticks are nice too.

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I know my Mantis doesn't have too long to go. His abdomen is changing color on the sides to a browny color. Also noticed a small black spot which from what i understand is a sign of old age. Dont know how long he has left.

What are the signs that a mantid is nearing death? Will it start to change color? Move slower?Also quick question about my enclosure...

My mantid is the color of a green leaf. Should i be putting leaves in my tank or just branches to climb on? At the moment i have both.
Both sounds good!

"When will my mantis die?" Is the same sort of question as "When will my ooth hatch?" and "When will my mantis moult?"

It happens when it happens. :D

I just checked and saw that my answer is pretty much the same as Katt's. Hers was first, but mine was shorter! :lol:


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