Mantid wanted ...
I am looking for my first mantid pet. I'm in Philadelphia where it is currently cold outdoors, but a toasty 72° indoors. I suppose I should wait until Spring to do this, but I really want to do this now. I'm up in the air, and open to suggestions, as far as what species to get and where to get it. I kinda know what I don't want though. I don't want an expensive breeding pair of some rare exotic species. Breeding may very well be in my future, but not now. I also don't want an ooth, even a cheap one because I don't know what I would do with 100-400 little babies to feed. I need a onestop shop, so to speak, where I can buy my mantid, and everything I need to care for it, during its entire life.
I've seen so called mantid kits, usually in toy sections, for children 8+. First off, I don't think of any living creature as a 'toy'. It's important to have a reverence for all life, including the pet mantid, as well as the insects that will be used to feed it. I am definitely overthinking this, if an 8yo kid can raise a mantid, I surely can.
I understand the ghosts, creos, and the native carolina are considered easy beginner species, but sometimes so called advanced species show up as easy to care for on some sites caresheets. It's very confusing. Basically I'm looking for a mantis that is easy to care for and is comfortable around room temps. I'd like a species that is docile and not very skittish as I observe its behavior, and also be able to take out occasionally to share a meal or watch tv with.
Also I prefer a place where I can buy food, maybe once a month, for my mantid. I don't want to have to start breeding crickets and/or roaches for my pet. In the past I have moved out of an apartment because there were roaches, so I'm not going to start breeding them. I can picture my current landlord asking what was in the box he signed for marked fragile:live animals."Oh that? That's just a breeding colony of palm sized roaches that I'll be raising for my carnivorous pet giant african mantis." I'd be evicted before I can get the words out, no doubt.
So anybody here, feel free to message me their current stock, prices, advice, comments, or suggestions. Thanks.
TLDR; New guy looking to buy 1-3 mantids, enclosures and food.
I am looking for my first mantid pet. I'm in Philadelphia where it is currently cold outdoors, but a toasty 72° indoors. I suppose I should wait until Spring to do this, but I really want to do this now. I'm up in the air, and open to suggestions, as far as what species to get and where to get it. I kinda know what I don't want though. I don't want an expensive breeding pair of some rare exotic species. Breeding may very well be in my future, but not now. I also don't want an ooth, even a cheap one because I don't know what I would do with 100-400 little babies to feed. I need a onestop shop, so to speak, where I can buy my mantid, and everything I need to care for it, during its entire life.
I've seen so called mantid kits, usually in toy sections, for children 8+. First off, I don't think of any living creature as a 'toy'. It's important to have a reverence for all life, including the pet mantid, as well as the insects that will be used to feed it. I am definitely overthinking this, if an 8yo kid can raise a mantid, I surely can.
I understand the ghosts, creos, and the native carolina are considered easy beginner species, but sometimes so called advanced species show up as easy to care for on some sites caresheets. It's very confusing. Basically I'm looking for a mantis that is easy to care for and is comfortable around room temps. I'd like a species that is docile and not very skittish as I observe its behavior, and also be able to take out occasionally to share a meal or watch tv with.
Also I prefer a place where I can buy food, maybe once a month, for my mantid. I don't want to have to start breeding crickets and/or roaches for my pet. In the past I have moved out of an apartment because there were roaches, so I'm not going to start breeding them. I can picture my current landlord asking what was in the box he signed for marked fragile:live animals."Oh that? That's just a breeding colony of palm sized roaches that I'll be raising for my carnivorous pet giant african mantis." I'd be evicted before I can get the words out, no doubt.
So anybody here, feel free to message me their current stock, prices, advice, comments, or suggestions. Thanks.
TLDR; New guy looking to buy 1-3 mantids, enclosures and food.